AIS Medicare & More:
Your guide to starting a Medicare business
Properly start and establish your business
We are a family owned Medicare Brokerage, based out of Colorado. We have been active in the Medicare scene for over 15 years, providing support and training to dedicated downline teams and agents.

AIS Medicare & More
Build your Medicare Business the right way!
We are a Medicare agency that has been operating for 15 years, in Colorado. We now have 8 offices in Colorado and operate in 15 States with teams throughout the Nation. Our goal as an MGA is to provide as much support, training, and business knowledge as we can to help others build their own organizations with an upline that cares and provides real support.
We have training programs for several different areas of building a business, understanding Medicare, selling Medicare, Marketing, and much more! These training videos are reserved for those apart of our downline team. We do sell a few training courses (such as Business Builder) to the general public. These courses are more based around creating a business (not necessarily a Medicare business).
Our goal is to help as many seniors throughout the Nation as we can, the best way to do that is with a team. That is why we offer all the support and knowledge that we do to every single downline agent. Not only do we want you to be successful in building your book of business, we want you to be an expert in the field that the seniors will see.
Being able to sell a product is one thing, being able to understand what you are saying and doing is another. We help you with all aspects, selling and knowledge so that the seniors take notice when you talk to them and will then tell everyone that you know what you are doing, in turn building your book faster than most people in the field.
If you would like to join the AIS team to actually learn Medicare inside and out and how to build a lasting business, please feel free to reach out and we can do an interview to see if we are a good fit!
If, we decide that everything is good, we then begin the contracting process with the carriers in your area (or moving your contracts from the current upline to us), we will then get you access to our training library and our monthly live trainings. Along with setting up a marketing plan and goal setting session to ensure that you are as productive as possible from the start!

The Owner
Business Owner

Jolynn Allen
AIS Medicare & More
About Jolynn Allen:
Jolynn Allen is a serial entrepreneur who currently owns a Medicare agency, Auto & Home Insurance agency, multiple Real Estate portfolios, and a gun store.
Over the past 20 years she has built and sold several successful businesses. She thrives during the startup phase of business building. Once the business was profitable and stable, she would sell it and pursue the next challenge until she found insurance. The insurance industry is constantly changing, allows for growth and endless opportunity, which is the perfect environment for a serial entrepreneur.
She spends most of her time managing her businesses and helping business owners Structure, Stabilize and Secure their business through the same foundational principals she used to build successful businesses.
As a former research librarian, she believes all of the information you need to build a successful business is available if you look hard enough. Her courses are designed to save you from having to do all the research yourself.
Courses for Sell
Course costs
Business Builder Course:
This class is geared towards establishing business credit, but in order to do so, you have to have your business correctly set up, so it goes back to square one and walks you through the entire process from step one. In a perfect world these steps would have taken place as you were getting established as an insurance agent, however that is rarely the case, so if you are a brand new agent this course will help you set your business up right the first time and avoid mistakes. If you are a few years in, this course will help you correct your situation.